Business Loan Agreement Example


    Business loans are a popular way for entrepreneurs and small business owners to secure funds for their ventures. However, obtaining a loan is only half the battle – the other half is ensuring that you have a proper loan agreement in place. In this article, we`re going to take a closer look at an example of a business loan agreement and what you need to know when creating one.

    Firstly, it`s important to understand that a loan agreement is a legal document that sets out the terms and conditions of the loan. This includes details such as the loan amount, repayment schedule, interest rate, fees, and any collateral that may be required. The purpose of a loan agreement is to protect both the borrower and the lender by outlining their respective responsibilities and obligations.

    Now, let`s dive into an example of a business loan agreement. This agreement is between a lender, XYZ Bank, and a borrower, ABC Inc.

    Loan Agreement Details

    – Loan amount: $100,000

    – Interest rate: 5%

    – Repayment schedule: 24 months

    – Collateral: None required

    Repayment Terms

    The borrower agrees to repay the loan in monthly installments of $4,299.55 for a total of 24 months. The first payment is due on the 1st of the month following the disbursement of the loan. The borrower is responsible for ensuring that payments are made on time and in full. If a payment is missed, the borrower may be charged a late fee of $50.

    Interest Rate

    The interest rate on the loan is 5% per annum. Interest will accrue from the date of disbursement until the loan is fully repaid. The borrower can choose to pay the interest in full at the end of the loan term or as part of the monthly installments.


    There are no upfront fees associated with this loan. However, if the borrower defaults on the loan or makes a late payment, they may be charged additional fees and interest.


    If the borrower fails to repay the loan in accordance with the agreed-upon terms, they will be considered in default. In such a scenario, the lender may take legal action to recover the outstanding debt, and any associated costs may be passed on to the borrower.


    Creating a loan agreement is an essential part of obtaining a business loan. It outlines the terms and conditions of the loan, the repayment schedule, interest rate, fees, and any collateral that may be required. As a borrower, it`s important to carefully review and understand the terms of the loan agreement before signing it. By doing so, you can ensure that you`re fully aware of your responsibilities and obligations, and that you`re able to repay the loan on time and in full.