Expressions of Quantity and Subject Verb Agreement


    Expressions of Quantity and Subject-Verb Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide for Copy Editors Experienced in SEO

    As a professional, you know that the way content is written is just as important as the relevance and quality of the information it contains. One of the most important aspects of writing is ensuring proper subject-verb agreement, especially when it comes to expressions of quantity. In this article, we will discuss the rules and best practices for subject-verb agreement with expressions of quantity.

    Expressions of Quantity

    Expressions of quantity are words or phrases that indicate a specific amount or quantity of something. These can include words like “many,” “few,” “a lot,” “enough,” “several,” and “numerous.” Expressions of quantity are often used to describe nouns or pronouns in a sentence and can affect subject-verb agreement.

    Subject-Verb Agreement

    Subject-verb agreement refers to the agreement in number and person between the subject and the verb in a sentence. When the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb must also be singular; when the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.

    For example:

    Incorrect: The group of students is excited for the field trip.

    Correct: The group of students are excited for the field trip.

    The expression of quantity “group” is singular, but it refers to multiple students. Therefore, the verb “are” must also be plural.

    Rules for Subject-Verb Agreement with Expressions of Quantity

    1. When an expression of quantity is followed by a plural noun, the verb must also be plural.


    – Many students are participating in the school play.

    – A lot of cars are parked in the lot.

    2. When an expression of quantity is followed by a singular noun, the verb should agree with the noun.


    – Several hours is required to complete the project.

    – Enough time has passed to finish the task.

    3. When an expression of quantity is used as the subject of a sentence, the verb should agree with the expression of quantity.


    – Twenty dollars is too much to spend on lunch.

    – Three weeks is a long time to wait.

    4. When the subject of a sentence contains a prepositional phrase that includes an expression of quantity, the verb should agree with the subject.


    – The group of students are participating in the talent show.

    – The majority of the audience was impressed by the performance.

    Best Practices for Subject-Verb Agreement with Expressions of Quantity

    1. Pay close attention to the grammar structure of the sentence and the relationship between the subject and the verb.

    2. Remember that expressions of quantity can affect subject-verb agreement, so always consider their impact when reviewing content.

    3. When in doubt, refer to a grammar guide or online resource to ensure proper subject-verb agreement with expressions of quantity.

    In conclusion, expressions of quantity play an important role in subject-verb agreement and must be carefully considered by copy editors experienced in SEO. By following the rules and best practices outlined above, you can ensure that your content is grammatically correct and optimized for search engines.